our family

My husband, Christian, and I met when we were sophomores in college. We were in separate states and so persevered through the struggles of long-distance dating, but after two years of that and one year of engagement in the same city, we got married. Christian started seminary after our first son was born and finished up about three years ago. He's now a pastor at a downtown church in our city. I have done a variety of jobs over the years, including freelance editing and writing, but I'm currently working part-time for the couponing website Southern Savers

Our oldest son, Stephen, just turned 7 and is in first grade. He loves reading, Lego, ninjas, zombies, video games, and making sure everybody follows the rules. He's a pretty typical firtsborn, which isn't surprising, since both of his parents are firstborns as well. 

Our second son, Cohen, will be 6 when his little sister is born. He's only 15 months younger than his brother, so for all intents and purposes, they often function as twins. The frustration comes when he's not quite able to do the same things as his brother, but as a result, he's got amazing perseverance and the willpower to push himself as far as he can go. He also loves to read!

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